So about 2 years ago when we went to Ecuador, and saw some of the preaching work, we thought wouldn't it be great to actually study with someone we found in the door to door work? Now we have experienced that, and it is better than advertised. Tho today was a huge effort day. We started out with the goal of reaching 7 studies, several friends were sick, and asked us to do their study today. So I wrote 7 names down in my planner, to remind me who & when & where we needed to be. Tom Lipperd was in our group & Amelia Dohn. Elaine & I had 3 of ours, 2 of Debbie's, 1 of Tom's, 1 of Amelia's, and Ca1 of Eva's- Plus a new one of mine if we could catch him But this started the photo day.
Picture doesn't do the horse justice. Very beautiful animal. The man is training the horse.
Then we hit La Paz, took Amelia and Elaine to Marlene's, dropped them off, then took Tom To Juan, dropped him off. Then Elaine called & said Miguel was at the house also & wasn't doing his vendor cart, so we could study at house too. So found a parking spot( not easy) close by, and we had 3 studies going at once. So off to a good start.
Elaine, Amelia, Marlene, & Miguel
after we finished both studies. Miguel has the bible books memorized to Joel in Hebrew scriptures. We went over the index in back on the Divine name. He understood well, and the book is so good on the reasoning & examples.
Then we grabbed some lunch, and headed to afternoon calls. Hit 3 not there yet, so the we headed to Tom's study home to visit his wife, she speaks no english so Amelia was able to go with Tom and start a conversation with her & see new baby. Mia Isabel.
Mia Isabel |
Big Brother- Juanito
Amelia was able to meet 7 set groundwork for any future interest, and see if there is an opportunity.
Then we swung back to early calls, to see if they had arrived at homes.
Elaine went to Angelica's, and they said about 10 minutes, so while they waited, I called on Daniel, who I had talked to twice before, this being the 3rd call, he was in, and waved us in. Introduced Tom, and shoed him BT book. It was interesting to learn his background with religion. Went to Baptist church for several years in states. Made the comment that he was turned off by seeing how the hypocrisy was evident, Sunday everyone was friendly & brotherly, but the rest of the week they acted very hypocritically. So that turned him off. Then here in La Paz he was called on by Mormons, He also saw things he didn't like. He decided that he only believes the Bible. Religions don't practice what they preach. So we read a few scriptures about Jesus, Matt. 23:13- and how he felt about the same thing. Then he asked a question. He said he always wondered about how to pray. So of course we shared the Feb awake, pg 12, and Viola! and answer to that very question. He asked for a bible so he could read it.
So we spent about 45 minutes with him, while Elaine &n Amelia studies with Angelica. So 2 more successful studies. Then went back to Carlas, she was there, and they did her doorstep study. |
Daniel & Tom |
Elaine & Amelia at Carla's
Then we headed back to jardin area, next study wasn't there, shop closed up, but Elaine other study was, and that went well.
Finally we headed to last study, she was there but she couldn't invite the girls in, so just has aconversation, then we were done.
So at the end of the day we had 6 studies, 1 good call, and to think that 2 years ago we couldn't have imagined that could happen. The blessings of being able to find these ones, like the friends have done here, is truly something to experience.
With Miguel, he said he wants to attend meetings. So we will try to connect his family up with the spanish congregation. And see if 1 of the spanish sisters could take over Marlene, and they then can meet and begin to attend spanish meetings. That is one thing with calling on people here. As we have noted before, most of the studies are men, who learned english in states, thru working, so when you see progress, and the family shows interest you have to steer them to spanish so the whole family is being fed spiritually. Sad in a personal way, but necessary in a spiritual way. I will continue to study english with Miguel.
So we had a productive, stimulating day. Came home and had our aracherra stew that smelled great in crock pot when we opened door.
Love to All,
Tom &Elaine. |
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