Thursday, December 15, 2011

La Paz- 12-15-

Started out today needing to go grab some brown bag stuff from Walmart(bodega). As I was leaving a voice called out to me, "Mr Tom". Looked around and saw David, Ron's BS, he peddles his bike stand to the tiengas, (flea markets and sells his fried pork rind with relishes on thursdays.
Took a pic of his bike out in parking lot.

Then after getting coffee, and heading to La Paz, today it was just Elaine & I. Some friends had appointments & others couldn't make it. But I had talked to Miguel Tuesday, and he wanted study, so we went.
This is our usual starting point once we get here, University of Leon, here in La Paz- I called here when we first came, with Tom & Debbie, met an administrator, Lulu. who takes english mags, for students there. She's been gone last week or so, maybe off for holidays.

Here is where we come around the corner and turn into the jardin area.

WE worked around the block and of course there is a church almost on every block it seems.
But this caught my eye, its in spanish but is plain to see what is for sale- Religious Articles!!!!!
How the Commerce, and religion work together....
for now anyway.

Side of church, convent and living quarters. In background is the cleaning maintenance crew.

So we worked around the block, stopped for our lunch, had in cooler, then headed to calls.
1st up was Tom's Lipperds study. Juan. Went there, but he was out, his father said come back at 2- So we went to 1 of Debbie's studies, Naria, but she wasn't feeling well, briefly chatted and she asked us to return after holidays.
Then we went to Jardin, and along the way, I passed an entrance that we went into 3 weeks ago, and was told there was an english speaker there. So today the gate was opened, and we went in, asked about any english speakers? "un momento, Senor", was the reply, and a few minutes later a very nicely dressed man came down, went thru Truth Tract, Found out his name, Bernardo, placed tract. So it was nice to complete that census.
Then we were at the Jardin, saw Miguel, my study, the enchilada vendor cart, and he was ready. got down to business, chap 6, in BT bk, and got thru 4 para. He read well, pretty good comprehension. and set up next Tuesday, and he is looking forward to it. The word, mourning threw him a curve, but I explained it, and he understood, it meant sad, weeping, grieving.
Told him about the Book of Bible stories, and he would like it for children.

Then it was back to Juan's. He had a little time but not much, headed to A study on Carmen, for Eva, Elaine did it, and she is real sweet, got over #4 point in TRTR.
Then it was time to head to Angelica's, Vicky's study.
 She opened door, and Elaine had a good study, full hour, and she is very intelligent young lady.
ready for next weeks lesson.

While waiting for Elaine saw some wall art, I guess graffiti is not confined to cities in USA.

Also saw this guy on a motorbike with his son clutching to him, the man had a hold on a bicycle!
And of course it wouldn't be complete without a horse, donkey, sheep or goat right? So here is some pics that continue to amaze me.

I don't hink this old cart man has a retirement plan!

Couldn't pass this car up, w/o taking a snapshot, very cool.........

Here is Elaine at Sochie's, she wasn't in, but roof dog was!

Then we finished up studies, calls etc, and had a nice supper at the hotel restaurant. Long day, but yielded some good results.
Here are some pics from yesterday, veggie man, stopped me to introduce me to his friend, who had just came back from Chicago, and thru The Arch, plus he spoke english. Has a ranch about 8 miles out and his wive is a dentist, that I may use. got his ph# and will see if we can talk. He said he'd like to have us out and visit with him & his wife ???? So will see what happens
Here is some fresh tangerines, oranges and mandarin oranges too.
All for now, think we may be sleeping in tomorrow. We aren't 20yr old pioneers anymore, as my beautiful wife reminds me, at the end of long days. But she had 3 studies!!!!! I just was the driver!!
Love, Tom & Elaine


  1. Sounds like the "good tired" from Jehovah's service. "Rest up a bit in a lonely place"... and recharge for another day.

  2. I think we need a guest post from Elaine for the female view of Mexico!

  3. Good Idea, I'll see if she is willing. She has full editorial review options of course. Unless she's asleep......
