Wednesday, November 23, 2011

house update-Fs 11-23

Had a nice AM in FS- made arrangement for RV- on young man- worked in NC-in states and is back for a year in Dolores. Not sure if he can speak/understand enough english to study, but will take a spanish brother with me, hopefully to pursue.

                              Elaine & Anne-making RV
                              on a young lady owns dry        
                              cleaners on Norte.

Yesterday saw our "metal man" Luis, with making the legs to our table at his shop, heating 2-1/2' steel roll stock. into a sweeping arc for the legs, in a charcoal blacksmith forge- exactly out of "Gunsmoke" scene! Amazing. red hot coals with the rolled stock being forged. I told him he could join the boilermakers union here in Dolores! Tomorrow he starts on the chairs. By next week we may have a dining room table & chairs.

There is a store hear called Waldo's, that serves as a landmark, as well as the towns equivalent to "Dollar General, back home. The friends like it, has some good housewares reasonably priced and a good selection. When shopping along what I call "Pottery Row", there is 1000s of items to choose, but many are made with lead in the paint, so you have to be careful. Even if they say lead free, they may not be. No way to enforce the label. Here is Dolores, there are many, many small to large handmade, shops factories.

Here is just 2, there are probably 100 almost along Jose Alfredo Jimenez(Pottery row). small to huge pottery selection. People come from all over Mexico to buy here, many wholesale, to sell at there own stores around Mexico.

We have been trying to get house finished, at least livable, so we can feel comfortable. Worked on patio roof Mon & Tuesday. Had help. Got 80% done.

Then the carpenters came in the am, and installed our desks. Thats is a big help. Beautiful work and wood. pics don't show the grain with a dark stain but very nice. We have 2 alcoves next to the big window, that we thought would be perfect for a desk for each. and it is.

So we are feeling better, and can operate more efficiently than having to study off the sofa, bed etc.

Elaine had her 1st talk here in Dolores, and did splendidly, thought I was at a demo at Circuit or Dist Conv.( is my pride showing too much?) Other new sister, Tabitha Portell had her 1st talk also, so we had 2 applause from the audience. She did well too. Her husband Mike was subbing for  bro reed, who is back in states for a bit, so he had to counsel his wife, he handled it well.
All for now.
Tom & Elaine

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